Tuesday, 4 August 2020

More talks, less letters

Dear Piya,

As the months have gone by, I have started writing less & less to you.

And while I am not happy about it myself, I keep wondering what you would make of this lag, as and when you happen to read my letters to you.

For all I know, you may be relieved that my incessant chatter finally took a break!
But my heart feels that there is a slight chance you may actually seek more. As much as pictures and videos do to recreate times gone by, there is something just too charismatic about words; something that cannot be captured otherwise.
This has been the driving force in making me write to you all these years.

But despite my love for you and my love for writing to you, my letters have skimmed down. And here is why :
I had a lot to tell you when you were an infant. And yes, I did tell them to your 'agoooooing face' all the time. But I had two things by my side - time & a one-way-speech.

Funnily enough, with more & more passage of time, I have had less & less of it to dedicatedly write to you.
It is no secret, sweetheart, that writing letters to you made me the writer that I am today.
Which is why, I keep coming back to where it all began - here.

My absenteeism here, in spurts, then, is greatly aided by the fact that you get me much better now.
You not only understand what I share but you also reciprocate, with support, more often that not!
So much so that, I have shared moments of in-depth conversations with you and you have heard me out!

And when we aren't deep in conversation, I am almost always found landing a million hugs & kisses upon you. 
Yes, baccha.
While writing letters to you was my idea capturing your childhood, time did nit really slow down and you kept growing up at an unbelievable pace...and so, I want to add this as the last reason behind the slow decline in the frequency of my letters : I find myself out of words every now & then as I look at how much you have grown.
Yes, your acts of cuteness are galore now too!
But my ability to sneak a moment out of them to write about it gets overpowered by my desire to get some more of you, every time, as I fear I will blink twice and three more years will fly by...

Yes...I have not known love like this ever before.
And my fellow mum-friends tell me that it does not get easier with time.
I can only hope it doesn't though, because how often does one experience something so powerful that it makes you feel your heart beat, eh?!

Cloying, much?
Alright, I will stop. I will stop writing that is.
And simply move on to hugging you so tight & kissing you so much that you find that cloying then!


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